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Renting forms

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What are RTA renting forms?

When you rent a place in Queensland, the Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA) has a number of renting forms you need to know about. You or your lessor need to use these forms when you move in, when you move out, when you apply to get your bond back, or if you need to solve a renting problem. You can get renting forms from the Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA) website at www.rta.qld.gov.au or by calling the RTA on 133 366 311.

If you need help to fill in, or understand a renting form, you can contact the Tenants Queensland QSTARS advice service on 1300 744 263.

QSTARS is the Queensland Statewide Tenant Advice Referral Service. This is a free community service for tenants. QSTARS provides advice about renting issues and can help tenants take steps to solve renting problems.

General Tenancy Agreement (Form 18a)

Your lessor must give you a written tenancy agreement. When you sign the agreement and return it to the lessor they must give you a copy for your records. This is a legal contract that sets out what you both agree to do. There are different sorts of renting agreements, depending on whether you rent in private rental, in a caravan park, or rent from the Department of Housing or a community housing organisation.

Entry Condition Report – General Tenancies (Form 1a)

This form is used to write down what the place is like when you move in. You must leave the place in the same condition when you move out, except for everyday wear and tear. When you move in your lessor or agent should give you an Entry Condition Report to fill in. You must add your comments and return a copy to the lessor within 3 days. Keep a copy for your records.

Bond Lodgement (Form 2)

When you start renting a place the lessor or agent may ask you to pay a rental bond. The maximum bond amount is usually equal to 4 weeks rent. If you pay a bond they must give you a receipt. All bond money must be lodged with the RTA during the tenancy. This RTA form is used to record details of your bond and to lodge your bond money with the RTA. You must both sign the Form 2.

Refund of Rental Bond (Form 4)

When you move out of the place, if you paid a rental bond you can use this form to apply to the Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA) to get your bond money back.

Information booklet for tenants (Form 17a)

This booklet tells you about your rights and responsibilities when you rent a place. It includes contact numbers for renting advice services. Your lessor or agent must give you a copy when you move into a place.

Entry Notice (Form 9)

If the lessor or agent wants to enter your rental home before they can enter they must give you an Entry Notice, or get your permission. The Entry Notice should state the reason for the entry and when they will enter.

Notice to Remedy Breach (Form 11)

Either the tenant, or the lessor can use this form. This form is used to tell someone there is a tenancy problem (breach) and the person must fix the problem (remedy the breach) by the date on the form.

Notice to Leave (Form 12)

If you get a Form 12 this means the lessor wants you to leave by the handover day stated on the form. The amount of notice you are given will depend on the reason you are being asked to leave.

Notice of Intention to Leave (Form 13)

You can use a Form 13 to give your lessor or agent written notice that you intend to leave. This form lets them know the date you will move out and return the keys (the handover day).

Dispute Resolution Request (Form 16)

You can use this Form 16 to apply to the Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA) for help solve a tenancy dispute. RTA mediators can help you and the lessor share information over the phone. This may help you and your lessor reach an agreement to solve the problem.

Exit Condition Report – General Tenancies (Form 14a)

When you move out you can take photos and use an Exit Condition Report to record the condition of the place. Give a copy to the lessor when you return the keys. They have 3 days to inspect the place and return a copy to you with their comments.

After you move out your Entry and Exit Condition Reports and photos provide important evidence if you have a dispute with the lessor over the refund of your rental bond, or a dispute about damage to the place.

Things to remember

Keep copies of all paperwork (agreements, receipts, notices, letters or emails). If you have a renting problem these documents are important evidence.