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Youth Subsidy Product for Community Housing providers

The Department have developed new product to deliver subsidies to Community Housing providers who house you people on low incomes such as Youth Allowance. This is a response to CHPs concerns that housing yp is costly to the providers, given the income-based rent model, and a disincentive to housing them.

Eligibility for Youth Subsidy will include: –

  • The young person is the primary tenant on a GTA in a registered community housing (CH) service.
  • They are between 16- 25yrs and offered housing from the housing register
  • Their assessable household income is less than JobSeeker Payments
  • They are paying no more than 25% of assessable household income plus 100% of CRA

The subsidy is the difference between the young person’s income, (usually) Youth Allowance, and the JobSeeker Allowance.

Subsidy is paid to CH providers quarterly but the rate is calculated each July ( i.e. not indexed as statutory income increases)

CHPs (including new youth foyers) must register for the youth subsidy

  • CHP submits the claim based on all the young people (yp) eligible in the quarter x how many weeks they have been housed @ the level of subsidy per yp.
  • CHPs are paid by the Dept on a quarterly basis following the submission of the claim.

New online claim form goes live in September for claims from July 1 just passed.