× Overview of the 2024 Tenancy Law Changes – What you need to know

With an election this year, in the lead up to the Budget we asked all political parties represented and the Independent in Parliament 3 questions

Q1. Will you continue to support the Queensland Statewide Advice and Referral Service (QSTARS) to provide free tenancy advice and support, at least for the current term of contracts (to June 2028) without any cuts to the program?

Q2. Will you continue to support the $160 million renters’ relief program funded over the coming five years to deliver bond loans and rental support to a broad range of renters in the state?

Q3. Are there additional programs of support for renters that you wish to achieve?

We will keep this page updated with their replies.

Labor Party
The Labor party haven’t yet answered Q3 which is if there are additional programs of support for renters that they wish to achieve. However they have committed to 5 year funding to June 2028 of the QSTARS program and the renters’ relief program.

Liberal National Party
In a ABC news article published on 5th June, Opposition Leader David Crisafulli reaffirmed his party would support everything in Labor’s budget.

The Greens
If your party holds the balance of power or forms government following this year’s election:
Will your party continue to support the Queensland Statewide Advice and Referral Service to provide free tenancy advice and support, at least for the current term of contracts (to June 2028) without any cuts to the program?
Yes. The Greens believe that QTSARS is an incredibly important service for tenants across Queensland. Our MPs and their teams have seen firsthand the vital support QSTARS provides to renters in our communities. However, we also understand that QSTARS currently struggles to meet the ever growing need in the community for tenancy advice and support. So the Greens would like to see QSTARS funding not only continued, but increased.

Will your party continue to support the $160 million renters’ relief program funded over the coming five years to deliver bond loans and rental support to a broad range of renters in the state?

Are there additional programs of support for renters that you would commit to delivering?
One of the highest priorities for the Greens over the next four years will be transforming renting in Queensland to make it fairer and cheaper for renters. Queensland is in a housing and rental crisis. Rents have spiked 43% in the last 3 years. For many, the rent has gone up by hundreds of dollars in the space of a year or two. Meanwhile it’s getting hard to even find a place to rent, let alone be able to live in the same place for more than a year or two. So the Greens are committed to freezing rent increases for 2 years, introducing an on-going cap on rent increases and giving renters the guaranteed right to lease renewals (ending no grounds evictions at the end of a lease). You can read our full plan here https://greens.org.au/qld/rent-freeze.

The Katter Party
The challenges associated with housing and renting are regularly raised across North Queensland with KAP MPs and Candidates. As a party and individual MPs, we are supportive of services that assist those in our community keep a secure roof over their head.

Without knowing firsthand about the programs mentioned in your correspondence it is difficult to give a fulsome answer, however in principle they certainly align with the KAP’s position of supporting those in genuine need, while that need exists.

It is important to note that the KAP are also regularly involved in supporting First Australians and tenants of Department of Housing with their concerns and needs as they arise.

One Nation
No reply yet

The Independent (Noosa)
As this letter was sent after the others, we expect to receive the reply later.