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Support Changes to the Manufactured Homes (Residential Parks) Act

In August the Hon Michael de Brenni MP, introduced the Housing Legislation (Building Better Futures) Amendment Bill 2017 into the Queensland Parliament.   The bill includes detailed amendments to the Manufactured Homes (Residential Parks) Act 2003 to increase transparency in the relationships between park owners, staff and home owners and to strengthen consumer protections and provide more security to home owners.

Key changes include:

  • improved pre-contractual disclosure processes
  • limiting rent increases under the site agreement to one per year, and increase the transparency of market rent review calculations;
  • providing a process for in-park dispute resolution before matters are escalated to the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT).
  • prohibiting administrative fees for provision of utilities, including meter reading; and
  • prescribing clear, enforceable behaviour and management standards for park owners and home owners; and
  • ensuring emergency services and health workers have access to residential parks and emergency management plans are in place.

Tenants Queensland supports the changes being proposed and wants to see the changes become law.  Before the bill can be passed by parliament it must be considered by the Public Works and Utilities Committee.  This parliamentary committee is currently taking submissions from the public until 28 August.  They will report on their findings by 28 September.

TQ encourages you to make a submission to the parliamentary committee to help support the changes and ensure they become law.  Just a few short comments about how you think the changes will impact on residents will help.

You can find out more about the proposed changes and how to make a submission here: https://www.parliament.qld.gov.au/work-of-committees/committees/TUC/inquiries/current-inquiries/I48HsngBetterFutures

In addition to supporting the proposed changes TQ will be advocating for additional protections for residents of manufactured home parks, in particular introducing a licensing system and standards for operators of park sites.