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Need Advice?

Information for tenants and residents in Queensland

Free advice service for tenants – 1300 744 263

For callers outside of Queensland or who cannot dial a 1300 number you can phone on: 07 3182 5123.

The QSTARS program is managed by Tenants Queensland and delivered in collaboration with partner organisations across Queensland.

Online Form

Click here

If you rent your home and need advice, you can request a call back by using this online form (for residential tenants and rooming accommodation residents).

We are aware that you may be careful about which calls you answer, therefore we request that you answer your calls during the times noted on the form after submitting this form.

We are currently trialling this service and monitoring demand.  We may need to pause the availability of this online form from time to time.

In Queensland, the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 is the legislation that covers all residential tenancies in Queensland, including general tenancies (flats, units, houses etc), rooming accommodation and moveable dwelling (caravan park) tenancies.

For information on common tenancy issues see the Tenants Queensland Tenancy Fact sheets, which include information for tenants in general tenancies, caravan tenancies, and residents in rooming accommodation.

For information and videos on how to solve a tenancy dispute or going to QCAT see Going to the tribunal to solve a tenancy dispute.

In Queensland, one in three households lives in rental accommodation. The Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA) is the Queensland government authority that oversees the Act.

When calling an advice service free interpreter assistance can be provided if needed. Let the service know if you need an interpreter. Alternately you can call the TIS interpreter service directly on 131 450 and ask them to connect you to an advice service.

Information in other languages is also available on the RTA website.

Free financial counselling service – 1300 744 263

If you are a private renter experiencing financial hardship, our confidential and free financial counselling service may be able to help you. This free service includes assistance with any matter in relation to debt such as:

  • Rent arrears (overdue or outstanding rent) – current or previous properties
  • Utility debt in current or previous properties – electricity, gas, phone, water
  • Credit – such as loans, credit cards and consumer leases
  • Fines – at any stage
  • Complaints about your utility or credit provider

Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA)

The RTA provides tenancy information and services for all parties, including lessors, agents, providers, tenants, and residents. The Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA) holds bonds during the tenancy. The RTA currently holds rental bonds for over 500,000 tenants and rooming residents in Queensland.

The RTA provides a telephone information service, tenancy forms and publications, and a free dispute resolution service. The RTA can also investigate complaints about failure to comply with the Act, such as failure to lodge rental bonds or provide written agreements.

Resolving disputes

In Queensland, if there is a dispute during a tenancy parties must usually apply to the RTA Dispute Resolution Service and attempt to resolve their dispute. The RTA Dispute Resolution Service encourages parties to share information and reach an agreement to resolve a dispute. If parties cannot solve a dispute by agreement the RTA will issue a Notice of Unresolved Dispute.

If parties cannot resolve a tenancy dispute they can apply to the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) for a tenancy hearing. QCAT forms and information are available on the QCAT website.

You can apply directly to QCAT for urgent tenancy matters – these are defined in the Act. Urgent applications include terminations and emergency repairs. For non-urgent matters, such as disputes over bond refunds, compensation claims, or claims about repair issues or breach of the agreement, you must first apply to the RTA Dispute Resolution Service and attempt to resolve the dispute, before you can apply to QCAT for a non-urgent tenancy hearing.

For more information on resolving tenancy disputes and to view TQ videos see Going to the Tribunal for a tenancy dispute.

Queensland Department of Housing

The Queensland Department of Housing provides a range of  programs to assist people looking for rental housing, renting  in government or community managed housing (social housing), or  renting in the private market. The RTA website also includes median rent data for Queensland suburbs and regions.

Private rental assistance programs include bond loans, rental grants, Rent Connect and the National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS).

The Rent Connect program helps people in Queensland find and secure a tenancy in the private rental market. Rent Connect also has a series of fact sheets with tips on looking for rental accommodation.

Social housing programs include public housing and community managed housing. The Department of Housing and Public Works has online information about eligibility guidelines and how to apply for social housing.

You can visit your local Housing Services Office for more information

If you are homeless and need assistance contact the Homeless Persons Information Queensland (HPIQ) freecall 1800 4747 53. You can also contact your local Housing Services office.

Australians for Affordable Housing

More and more Australians are finding it hard to get a home they can afford, whether they’re renting or buying.  Many households report significant housing stress with over 740,000 renters and more than 380,000 mortgaged homeowners paying more than they can afford. Despite significant investment in recent years there is now less public and community housing properties than there was in 2003.

Australians for Affordable Housing has challenged Australian governments to address housing affordability – the single biggest cost of living issue facing Australians.