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The Rental Report

A performance report on the progress of A Better Deal for Renters

In August 2023 National Cabinet met and agreed to deliver on a range of priorities for Australians, with a focus on more secure and affordable housing. This also included the Better Deal for Renters to ‘harmonise and strengthen renters’ rights across Australia’.

This report assesses the progress of the Better Deal for Renters by each State and Territory.

In the past 12 months States and Territories have been responding to the National Cabinet Better Deal for Renters with a range of rental reforms. This has included proposing and adopting legislation, as well as undertaking consultation for further reforms. While States and Territories have been consulting within their jurisdictions on rental reforms, the overall process of engagement nationally on the Better Deal for Renters has not been open and transparent.

The process is driven through the Housing and Homelessness Ministerial Council Meetings and senior officials, and has not engaged directly with peak bodies, advocates, and the sector more broadly. There has not been publicly availably timeframes about how and when States and Territories will report their progress on the Better Deal for Renters.

This report provides an assessment from experts in the application of residential law. Collectively NARO resources, co- ordinates or directly provides advice regarding more than 80, 000 tenancy issues each year. Further detail on the assessment process is on Page 3 of this report.

Read the report here

Recent flooding

If you are a renter who has been affected by the recent flooding in North Queensland, we have useful information on our website about your rights, including:
• If you need to leave
• If your landlord wants you to leave
• Paying rent
• Getting repairs done
• Mould

You can view our factsheets here.

If you need further information, you can also contact our free tenancy statewide advice service on 1300 744 263, open from 9-5pm Monday to Friday (with evening advice 5–7pm on Tuesdays and Wednesdays).

Staying Cool Without Breaking the Bank: New Free Program for Queensland Renters 

Are your power bills stopping you from turning on your fan or air conditioner this summer? You’re not alone – and help is here. 

Starting this month, Queensland renters can get free help to stay cool and save money on power bills. The new EmPowering Renters program helps renters understand their energy use and bills better. 

Through the program, Tenants Queensland (TQ) aims to help Queensland renters with their cost-of-living pressures. TQ will help them understand their energy bills, access concessions and rebates, find better energy deals, and make their homes more comfortable while reducing energy costs.

“Many renters are already trying to be as energy efficient as possible but still struggle to stay comfortable in their homes because of high energy bills,” says Penny Carr, CEO of Tenants Queensland. “While renters can’t make structural changes to their homes, this program offers information on what can be done to make renting more energy efficient for those of us who rent our homes.” 

The EmPowering Renters project received grant funding from the Queensland Government as part of the Enable Grants Program. Tenants Queensland is working in collaboration with Energetic Communities Association Incorporated to help Queensland renters reduce their energy use.  

“There are lots of simple things we can do around our homes to feel more comfortable,” says Luke Reade, President of Energetic Communities. “Our energy experts understand Queensland’s unique climate challenges and we’re here to help renters learn about their options.” 

The EmPowering Renters Team can help renters with: 

  • Practical energy saving tips for your home
  • Help finding cheaper times to use appliances
  • Help understanding your power bills
  • Checking your eligibility for concessions and rebates
  • Providing one-on-one consultations focused on energy use and efficiency
  • Offering energy literacy workshops for renters
  • Providing home energy assessments 
  • Offering a referral support for energy hardship 
  • A website focused on energy efficiency dedicated to Queensland renters

If you rent and want to stay cool without the bill shock, visit www.empoweringrenters.org.au today. Fill out the simple contact form, and the team will get in touch. You will also find helpful tips on the website.  


About EmPowering Renters: 

The EmPowering Renters project received grant funding from the Queensland Government as part of the Enable Grants Program. 

The Enable Grants Program supports non-government organisations (NGOs) to provide energy efficiency advice and activities that will help reduce energy bills for Queenslanders experiencing vulnerability. 

Tenants Queensland is delivering this program in conjunction with Energetic Communities Association Incorporated.

Contact details for energy efficiency information: 

07 347 35010 


New Government for Queensland

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Tenants Queensland (TQ) congratulates our new Premier, David Crisafulli, for the election of the Liberal National Party at the state election on October 26. TQ looks forward to working with the LNP to achieve our joint housing goals.

TQ assists tens of thousands of renting households across the state every year to maintain safe and stable housing. We support renters to exercise  their rights and act on their responsibilities and advocate their concerns to government and the community.  We hope to meet with the new government soon to explain our important work and better understand their vision for renters so that we can help them deliver on it.

What do we know about the Crisafulli Government’s policies for renters?

In the publicly released documents there is limited information from the LNP directly addressing policies for renters. However, TQ wrote to all political parties in the lead up to the State Election, asking questions on specific topics. On the three topics we have campaigned for change on, we know  the LNP have announced a solar for renters program (The Supercharged Solar for Renters plan), which supports our call for energy efficiency standards for rental properties. Currently however, they do not support limiting the amount that rents can rise, nor ending arbitrary eviction for renters at the end of their fixed term agreement. 

TQ also asked if the LNP had any plans for changes to tenancy laws. The LNP responded with the following:
The Labor state government recently introduced some reforms to tenancy laws to the Queensland Parliament. Changes to tenancy laws are a complex issue. The LNP carefully and respectfully reviewed the proposed laws and did not oppose the rental reform changes which have now passed through the Parliament.  These laws now need to be monitored to ensure they do not have adverse impacts that reduce the supply of rental accommodation or put additional upward pressure on prices”.

Outside of the answers to our direct questions, most of the publicly available housing policy statements focus on supply and home ownership, some with ‘trickle down’ impacts for renters.

The LNP acknowledges the problem of rental affordability and see their strong focus on housing supply as the way to address it.

The LNP committed to a similar target put in place by the Labor government last year:

“….‘Securing our Housing Foundations’ plan….which will deliver one million more homes by 2044, including 53,500 social and community homes. Increasing housing supply will provide more options for renters in both the price point and types of properties available.”

The following is also from the LNP’s publicly available information on housing issues.

In the first month we should see confirmed goals and KPIS for Ministers and Heads of Departments.

By the end of this year, there is a commitment to allow recipients of the First Homeowner Grant to rent out a room without penalty, with which they expect to ease the pressure on renters. Additionally, the LNP will aim to unlock church and charity-owned land for the Community Housing Sector.

In the first 100 days, the LNP has committed to establishing a Cabinet Housing Ministerial Taskforce. The LNP will also begin to abolish stamp duty on new builds for first home buyers and will commence work to expand home ownership opportunities in Queensland’s Indigenous communities.

These are the starting points for our work with the new government. TQ looks forward to using our expertise to support the LNP’s housing agenda and exploring ways to work together to improve the situation for renters across Queensland and make renting fairer.

Overview of the 30 September 2024 Tenancy Law Changes – What you need to know

Vector image in yellow with image of building and law scales behind it.

Recent changes to tenancy law were passed by Queensland Parliament on 23 May 2024 and will impact your tenancy or rooming agreement under the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 (‘the Act’). Not all changes are commencing at the same time. Some of the changes commenced on Assent (6 June 2024), while other changes commence by Proclamation on 30 September 2024 or 1 May 2025.

Here is a quick snapshot of the key changes starting from 30 September 2024.

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Australian renters still vulnerable: National Cabinet reforms fall short in protecting tenants one year on.

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Renters in Australia continue to face inconsistent tenancy laws and an ongoing lack of protection, says a new report out today from National Shelter and the National Association of Renters’ Organisations (NARO).

Today, one year on from National Cabinet’s a ‘Better Deal for Renters’, the National Association of Renters’ Organisations – NARO (of which Tenants Queensland is a member) and National Shelter released a report card that assesses the progress of State and Territories against their commitments. The report finds inconsistent progress and that some jurisdictions have failed to meet their obligations. The report also recommends areas requiring attention including the need to limit the amount a rent can be increased, adequately funding tenancy advice and advocacy services, and better data to inform policy.

In Queensland despite many welcomed and positive changes during the year, key issues have been missed, leaving important, cornerstone reforms outstanding. Tenants Queensland and the Make Renting Fair in Queensland campaign are calling on all parties to commit to them.  They are:

  • Protecting renters from arbitrary evictions by requiring a fair reason to end all tenancies whether they are fixed term or on-going. This requires the removal of the ‘End of a Fixed Term’ as a ground to end a tenancy
  • Rent rises to be restricted to once per annum at the rate of the Consumer Price Index
  • The inclusion of minimum standards for energy efficiency,

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Overview of the 2024 Tenancy Law Changes – What you need to know

Vector image showing the scales of justice on a book

Recent changes to tenancy law were passed by Queensland Parliament on 23 May 2024 and will impact your tenancy or rooming agreement under the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 (‘the Act’). Not all changes will commence at the same time. Some of the changes commenced on Assent (6 June 2024), while other changes will start on Proclamation (30th September).

Here is a quick snapshot of the key changes. This text below applies to general tenancies and rooming accommodation.

Rent Bidding
Rent Increases
New Rule of Entry – Rooming Accommodation
Bonds – Rooming Accommodation and Boarder/Lodgers
New Grounds for Ending Tenancies
Three New Heads of Power
Changes Commencing on Proclamation

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With an election this year, in the lead up to the Budget we asked all political parties represented and the Independent in Parliament 3 questions

Q1. Will you continue to support the Queensland Statewide Advice and Referral Service (QSTARS) to provide free tenancy advice and support, at least for the current term of contracts (to June 2028) without any cuts to the program?

Q2. Will you continue to support the $160 million renters’ relief program funded over the coming five years to deliver bond loans and rental support to a broad range of renters in the state?

Q3. Are there additional programs of support for renters that you wish to achieve?

We will keep this page updated with their replies.

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Tenants Queensland welcomes the passage of the Bill – but there is more to be done

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Tenants Queensland congratulates the Miles Government and welcomes the passage of the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024 into law.

Tenants Queensland CEO, Ms Penny Carr, said, “I have just come out of Parliament House and I have watched the passage of the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024. It is a good day for renters, there are many good reforms in the package that will improve the situation for people living in rented homes across Queensland.

There are significant improvements for Queensland renters in the package of reforms just passed and those which were made into law in October 2021.

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Tenancy Law Reform Bill tabled – good start, more to do

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Tenants Queensland (TQ) welcomes the Miles Government’s package of reforms that will improve the experiences of renters, with the introduction of the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024

TQ CEO, Ms Penny Carr, said, “banning rent bidding, requiring a fee free way of paying rent, limiting what can be asked when signing up applying for a tenancy and controlling how and for how long information can be kept, will very much improve the experiences of renters across the state. We welcome these changes”.

Requiring evidence when the landlord wants to claim against the bond, the portable bond scheme and a rental code of conduct are changes also strongly supported by TQ. 

Despite welcoming the package TQ CEO, Ms Penny Carr, stated that there is more to be done. “The package is a good start but more needs to be done to support struggling renters”.

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