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Tenancy reforms announced

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Tenants Queensland and QCOSS have jointly welcomed the package of tenancy reforms announced today by Premier Steven Miles as a promising first step towards improving the lives of Queenslanders living with rental insecurity.

The package is a positive sign that the Miles Government has listened to the pleas of Queensland’s renters and that it will continue to take seriously the plight of those burdened with insecure tenancies amid a cost-of-living crisis.

Tenants Queensland CEO Penny Carr says:
“Following three years of campaigning by Make Renting Fair in Queensland supporters, we particularly applaud the introduction of the following measures that will make a real difference in the lives of Queensland renters:

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Minimum Standards Start Today

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In Queensland minimum housing standards will come into effect for new rental agreements from 1 September 2023.

These standards apply to general tenancy, moveable dwelling and rooming accommodation agreements. Minimum housing standards aim to ensure rental properties are safe, secure and functional and provide clarity around the maintenance obligations for rental properties. Tenants Queensland have developed the following fact sheet that provides information on the Minimum Housing standards.

Click here for the Minimum Standards Factsheet

Tenants Queensland (TQ) receives funding of $44.4 million over five years to continue the QSTARS program

CEO, Penny Carr says, “We are delighted and honoured to continue our important work supporting renting households across Queensland.

“Right now, is a trying time for many households and it makes a difference to them knowing there is an independent advisory service to provide professional advice and support, specifically targeted to their needs as renters.

“We thank the Queensland Government for their continued support for the Queensland Statewide Tenant Advice and Advocacy Service and Tenants Queensland.”

$44 million for tenant advice service – Ministerial Media Statements

Statement on the Worsening Rental Crisis


Tenants Queensland, along with 80 other organisations are calling for national rent reforms, including fair limits on rent increase.

Read our joint submission to the Senate’s inquiry into the Worsening Rental Crisis.

Share your experience as a renter

The committee would like to hear from people about their experiences of the rental situation in Australia. However, please note that the committee cannot advise on, advocate for, or take action on individual matters.

Submissions close 1 September 2023

Click here for further information

More effective changes to limit the frequency of rent increases?

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The Queensland Government is consulting about changes to the frequency of rent increases to ensure recent changes are effective.

On July 1, the government limited the frequency of rent increases to once per year. However, the last few months have seen the emergence of rental management practices which appear to undermine the intent of the legislation, for example, ending tenancies after six months so that the rent can be increased with new tenants.

Today the government issued a discussion paper and is calling for submission on how to ensure the annual rent increase frequency limit is effective.

The discussion paper proposes changes that would apply the limit to the frequency of rent increases to the property, rather than the tenancy, regardless of whether the sitting tenants remain, or the property is re-tenanted.

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Rent increases once every 12 months

Rents Rising

New legislation will come into effect from 1 July 2023 which will limit rent increases to once every 12 months.

These changes will apply to all new and existing general tenancies and rooming accommodation agreements.

Any rent increase which is due to commence after 1 July 2023, will be valid only if there has been at least 12 months since the previous rent increase.

Any rent increase clauses written into a tenancy or rooming agreement will not apply if there has been a previous rent increase in the previous 12 months.

The frequency of rent increase applies for the duration of a tenancy if at least one tenant or resident continues to occupy the rental property, even if there is a change of property owner or real estate agent.

The new legislation does not provide for a limit to any rent increase, but it can be disputed if it is considered excessive

See fact sheet: Rent and Other Charges

For further information on these changes, contact Tenants Queensland 1300 744 263

Queenslanders urged to have their say on fairer rental laws

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Tenants Queensland welcomes the State Government’s announcement today launching Stage 2 rental law reform. The consultation process will provide Queensland renters with the opportunity to be heard and help shape renting for the future. For further information about the process and to have your say visit here.

We support limiting rent increases

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Tenants Queensland supports the Premiers call to limit the frequency of rent increases but we need to go further. We need to limit rent increases to one per year, using the CPI as the benchmark. This allows landlords to maintain their returns whilst providing stability and predictability for renters facing future rent increases.  You can read our position in detail in our brief paper to today’s roundtable     Tenants Queensland Second Housing Roundtable Paper