× If you are currently affected by flooding, click here to understand your rights.

How do we reduce rent?

Unless the federal and or state government take action to prevent the accrual of rent arrears over the coming months, the evictions moratorium will simply end for renters in deferred evictions, on-going debt and tarnished reputations during the recovery stage.  Rent reductions, where the rent due is reduced, rather than rent deferral, must be the aim.

National Cabinet turned out to be a lost opportunity. Many of the principles outlined by the Prime Minister in the mandatory code of conduct for commercial rents could have been applied to residential tenancies. National Cabinet could have pushed lenders to play their part and required broad relief from residential mortgage costs, and in particular capitalization of interest, removing a key barrier to rent reductions for tenants.  Despite this, most landlords will have access to mortgage relief on the basis of economic hardship.

The issue of residential tenancies has now been left for the state government.

Reducing costs

How can we hibernate and suppress (to use the PM’s speak) the costs of rent and mortgage and keep as much money flowing around the economy as possible, rather than using income support payments to service debts and loans?

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What we need to help struggling renters

We know from yesterday’s announcement that changes to tenancy laws will be made in the next couple of weeks. We’ve been doing a bit of work behind the scenes to work out how we can protect renters from negative impacts of COVID-19. As a community, we’re all going to have to work together, with the impacts shared amongst all the players, renters and landlords alike.  

The issue prominent in the media has been protecting all renters (including residents of boarding housing and caravan parks) from forced evictions and homelessness. This has to be a key focus during what is a public health crisis, and needs to go beyond evictions due to economic hardship. However, we’ve also been lobbying governments to:

  • ensure that rents are reduced not just deferred, renters shouldn’t end up with crippling debts when we reach recovery. That would just lead to evictions and homelessness down the track. 
  • develop a reduced rent model which is affordable and used to determine unresolved rent reduction disputes
  • protect everyone from avoidable entries, and set out reciprocal questions when an entry can’t be avoided e.g. for repairs, to keep everyone safe and healthy
  • extend entry time frames from 24 hours’ notice to 48 hours so that any arising issue can be managed prior.
  • limit the amount of personal information a renter can be asked when seeking a rent reduction (we’ve seen some very intrusive forms!)

We agree there needs to be limited exceptions to the eviction moratorium, around issues of damage and injury, while still ensuring that no one is evicted into homelessness.

It’s a shame that the Prime Minister didn’t see fit to set out the rules for residential rent reductions like he did for commercial tenancies. We think costs need to be pushed downwards for both tenants and landlords. the more that landlords’ overheads are reduced, the better position they’re in to reduce rents. Those things are in the control of the federal government. 

We’ll keep you updated as soon as we hear anything more from the state government on changes to tenancy laws. 

Qld Grants for Struggling Renters, More to be Done

Anxiety about COVID-19 is rising throughout our community and renters are feeling increasingly vulnerable to its impacts. We’re all worried about our loved ones, our society, our health, safety and immediate security.

To protect our communities during the COVID-19 crisis, Tenants Queensland has been working with a coalition of around 100 other organisations. Together we’ve been pushing for a ban (moratorium) on evictions, and over the last two weeks, thousands of Queenslanders sent emails to MPs and signed petitions. We then delivered our #NoEvictionsCovid19 petition to the Prime Minister with more than 10,000 signatures

Last weekend, Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced ‘a six-month moratorium on evictions’.

In the evening of April 1 Queensland’s Deputy Premier said that (see at 16.25):

  • As per the Prime Minister’s announcement every jurisdiction in Australia will prevent evictions of people who cannot make rent because they’ve lost their job due to Corona Virus or the impacts either directly or indirectly of Corona Virus.
  • Prevention of these evictions in Queensland will be backdated to the day the PM announced this at National Cabinet, March 29.
  • A grants system has been established for people in the private rental market who lost their job, who won’t get Centrelink support until at least April 27 and who can’t make rent. The Qld government will provide up to $500 per week for four weeks (and paid to the landlord) to help you with your rent payment while waiting for income support.  Information can be found here  You can call 13 426 843 for further information.
  • The Qld government understands that the prohibition on eviction is for tenants who genuinely lost their jobs as a result of Corona Virus. For the things that we ordinarily see tenancies ended for – if tenants significantly damage the property or if the landlord needs to move in because of financial distress – these will still occur. This is not a blanket prohibition. There is a balanced, common sense approach here.

Tenants Queensland is currently talking to the State government to help shape these temporary reforms and will update you as soon as we know anything further. We think the reforms need to go further.

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Update on National Cabinet, Renters and COVID-19

Following Friday’s National Cabinet and the Prime Minister’s press conference, there’s still no concrete information regarding support for renters. Our best guess is we’ll hear details this weekend (or early next week) about supports for both residential and retail tenancies.

In talking about retail tenancies, the PM said:

“We don’t want businesses so saddled by debts, by rental payments, by other payments that they won’t come through the other side. Landlords will suffer, banks will have to make arrangements with them. Councils may be involved with providing waivers on rates. Land tax relieved for landlords with tenants in a distressed situation. Our intent is to ensure that businesses that through no fault of their own, and an Australian who has lost a job through no fault of their own, is that we support them in the best possible way we can because they’re Australians and it’s the right thing to do. And we want them to surge again, rise again on the other side of this.”

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No evictions during COVID19. What tenants need to know.

Protect our communities: no evictions in a health crisis

Along with 70 other organisations and researchers, the Tenants Queensland is calling for Commonwealth, State and Territory governments across Australia to put an immediate stop on evictions during COVID19.

We need to give everyone the breathing space to work out how we will manage this community crisis. We need to share the costs now and during the recovery afterwards.

Things are moving quickly. Please show your support and sign the petiton – which has already gained over 500 signatures in the hours since it was launched.


No-one should lose their home during this crisis

The COVID19 pandemic is causing massive human and economic harm. Many workers, especially contractors and casual workers, will suffer from lost incomes. Many will fall into rent arrears and be at risk of eviction. People facing eviction are less able to take actions required to minimise transmission of COVID19, particularly where they become homeless, and will become more vulnerable to illness.

An eviction at this time puts great pressure on families and communities in overcrowded homes, crisis accommodation and people sleeping rough.

 Take action now

We’re asking you to take immediate action to protect our communities and help us stop evictions. Please sign the petition and share it on social media using the hastags #Covid2019Au #NoEvictionsCOVID19



COVID19 and renting – what tenants need to know.  You can access a copy of the Tenants Queensland fact sheet by clicking here

Information for Tenants Affected by Fire

If you are being affected by the current bushfire emergency, your tenancy may be affected.  This fact sheet is for residential tenancies however most of this information also applies to rooming accommodation such as boarding houses.

For further information for tenants Click this link

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Your membership helps ensure a voice for tenants in Queensland. You will also receive regular member news.

You are now able to join and make your payment online.  Click the Join Link to take you to our application page:


Election signage outside Rental Premises

Tenants Queensland received numerous inquiries from tenants who were given breach notices for having displayed election signage outside their rental premises. Additionally, some tenants have received a request from the lessor to remove the signage and in some instances the lessor/agent had removed the signage without consent.

See our Fact Sheet for information on placing elections signs on rental premises.

Making a Place Your Home – TQ calls for a shake up of laws!

Listen to the Minister for Housing (Hon Mick de Brenni), the REIQ and Tenants Queensland discuss tenancy law reform issues with ABC’s Emma Griffith.  Property standards,  rent increases and rent limitations, pets, and property inspections are all covered on Tuesday morning’s FOCUS program.

Listen here

Close of OPEN DOORS consultation and launch of DISRUPTED

After a 9-week consultation into the current rental laws in Queensland, the Palaszczuk Government has received 130,000 responses… read more here

The launch of Disrupted – 2018 Report by CHOICE, National Shelter and NATO attracted a range of publicity.

Listen and read more through the links below: