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Definitions and common terms

Agent A person appointed by the lessor to manage rental property.
Co-tenantIf more than one person signs a tenancy agreement these parties are considered to be co-tenants. They are individually and jointly responsible for meeting the terms of the tenancy contract with the lessor/agent.
DFVPADomestic and Family Violence Protection Act 2012 (Qld) (‘DFVPA’)
Dispute resolutionThe RTA offer a free, confidential dispute resolution service to assist tenants, lessors and agents resolve disputes without the need to apply to QCAT.
Domestic associateA ‘ domestic associate’ – is a relationship with the perpetrator of domestic and family violence. This relationship may be:
(a)   A spousal relationship;
(b)   An intimate personal relationship;
(c)    A family relationship;
(d)   An informal care relationship
Domestic Violence Domestic violence is defined in the DFVPA section 8
Fixed term tenancyHas a start date and end date and can be for any agreed length of time (such as 6 months or 12 months).
LessorThe person who gives the right to occupy residential premises under a residential tenancy agreement.
Moveable Dwelling A caravan or a manufactured home.
NOITLNotice of Intention to Leave – RTA Form 13
Non-urgent QCAT hearingNon-urgent matters must go through dispute resolution before you can file an application in QCAT, you will be required to attach a Notice of Unresolved Dispute as evidence of that process.
NTL Notice to Leave – RTA Form 12
NTRBNotice to Remedy Breach – RTA Form 11. An RTA form used to notify a party that they are in breach of their obligations and must take steps to solve the problem
NURDNotice of Unresolved Dispute (NURD) is issued by RTA when the dispute resolution service dispute resolution service is unable to assist the parties reach an agreement
OccupantA person who occupies residential premises but is not named on the tenancy agreement. An occupant may be named on the agreement as an “approved occupant” but is not legally responsible for the tenancy agreement with the lessor/agent.
Periodic tenancyIs a week-to-week ongoing agreement that continues until the tenancy is terminated by either party
ProviderA person who provides rooming accommodation to residents
QCAT ActQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2009 (Qld) (‘QCAT Act’) Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2009 (Qld)
QCAT/the TribunalQueensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal
QSTARSQueensland Statewide Tenant Advice Referral Service – a free advice service for tenants
ResidentA person who rents a room in rooming accommodation where they, occupies 1 or more rooms as the person’s only or main residence; and who is not the provider; or a relative of the provider.
Residential Tenancy Agreement An agreement under which the lessor gives the tenant the right to occupy residential premises.
Rooming Accommodation Generally, rooming accommodation is where a resident rents a room and the room is not self-contained, and there is no right to occupy the entire property, and they share facilities such the bathroom, kitchen or common room.
RTAResidential Tenancies Authority
Service ProviderA funded entity providing domestic and family violence services to a person experiencing domestic and family violence
Sub-tenantA sub-tenant is a person who rents premises from a head tenant. The head tenant holds the same responsibilities as a lessor under the tenancy agreement with the sub-tenant.
TenantA tenant is a person who is given permission to occupy a residential tenancy premises under a residential tenancy agreement.
The ActResidential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 (Qld) (the ‘Act’)
TQTenants Queensland – a specialist tenancy law service for Queensland tenants and residents
Urgent QCAT hearingFor a full listing of urgent matters please refer to: http://www.qcat.qld.gov.au/matter-types/residential-tenancy-disputes/urgent-and-non-urgent-disputes
Urgent matters do not have to go through the RTA’s dispute resolution service prior to an application to QCAT