× If you are currently affected by flooding, click here to understand your rights.


Tenants Queensland provides a free statewide advice service for all  tenants. This statewide service operates 9am-5pm Monday to Friday with extended hours until 7pm on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. If the line is engaged, the advice worker is speaking with another tenant. Try calling at another time. For callers outside of Queensland or who cannot dial a 1300 number you can phone on: 07 3182 5123.

Queensland’s tenancy laws are changing

Recent changes to tenancy law were passed by Queensland Parliament on 23 May 2024 and will impact your tenancy or rooming agreement under the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 (‘the Act’). Click this link for a summary of the changes.

Tenants Queensland resources for tenants and residents

Tenants Queensland (TQ) provides a range of information for tenants and residents. Printed publications are also available by contacting the TQ office.