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In Queensland 34% of households live in rental accommodation. In some parts of the State up to half of all households rent privately from either a landlord or real estate agent. As home ownership becomes harder for many to afford, more and more people now live permanently in rental housing.
Many of the problems tenants face can be too big for one individual to tackle alone. Tenants need a group that will talk to government, media, landlord groups and real estate agents on our behalf. We need a group that can express our views and concerns.
Tenants Queensland is committed to addressing the inequities that exist between tenants and lessors. To tenants our houses are our homes, but to landlords they are simply an investment.
Tenants Queensland (formerly Tenants’ Union of Queensland) was established in 1986 and for over 20 years has provided free advice services and a strong voice for tenants. Tenants Queensland has been instrumental in advocating for better tenancy laws, including protections for people renting in rooming accommodation, fair guidelines for the use of tenancy databases, advocating for modern tenancy laws that protect tenant rights, ensuring tenant bond money is held securely by a central bond authority (the RTA) and promoting fair and accessible tribunal processes to resolve tenancy disputes.
With your support Tenants Queensland can continue to provide a strong voice for tenants. Our success depends on the continued support and resourcing of members.
We look forward to your ongoing support.
Make a Donation
Your donation will help maintain a strong voice for tenants in Queensland.
All donations to Tenants Queensland are tax deductible.
You can make a donation when you join TQ or renew your membership. Alternately you can donate directly to TQ via the Give Now website.