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Queensland tenants will receive utility credits totalling $250

Earlier this year the State government announced a $200 utility payment to all Queensland households as part of a COVID-19 relief package. The payment was credited to electricity bills from April for regional Queenslanders, and May for those in the South-East. In addition to this one-off credit, a $50 Asset Ownership Dividend was due to be paid over the next two years. However, a decision has now been made to bring the payment forward.

From 31 August 2020, Queenslanders will receive the one-off $50 dividend credit on their electricity bills. This is the fourth payment of this kind, with the previous dividends paid in 2018 and 2019. To be eligible for the payment, you must have an open electricity account on 31 August. The dividend will be displayed as a $50 credit with the text “Qld Govt Asset Ownership Dividend,” or similar. The amount is not diminished by any GST calculations.

These payments totalling $250 are made possible because Queenslanders own their energy assets.

If you have not received the $200 credit, or you do not receive the $50 dividend, please contact your electricity provider.

At Tenants Queensland, we are hopeful that the credits will provide some relief for those households living in financial stress during this pandemic.