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Tenants Queensland welcomes the passage of the Bill – but there is more to be done

Tenants Queensland congratulates the Miles Government and welcomes the passage of the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024 into law.

Tenants Queensland CEO, Ms Penny Carr, said, “I have just come out of Parliament House and I have watched the passage of the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024. It is a good day for renters, there are many good reforms in the package that will improve the situation for people living in rented homes across Queensland.

There are significant improvements for Queensland renters in the package of reforms just passed and those which were made into law in October 2021.

But there are three more things that we have to do that were not in that package today:

As well and in a separate Bill, improvements for residents of Manufactured Homes passed. Congratulations to everyone who has contributed in any way to these changes. They have been a long time coming, after the government launched Open Doors to Renting Reforms on International Tenants Day in 2018! Changes occurred in two stages, with COVID changes in between, culminating today.

  1. We need to limit the amount rents can rise on an annual basis
  2. We need to truly end termination of tenancies without grounds. That means removing the end of a fixed term as a reason to end a tenancy.
  3. Introducing energy efficiency minimum standards.

Whilst there is more work to be done, today is a time to congratulate the Miles Government Minister Scanlon as well as all who supported these changes becoming law.

You can read our Submission to the Housing, Big Build & Manufacturing Parliamentary Committee on the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024 here.