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The Rental Report

A performance report on the progress of A Better Deal for Renters

In August 2023 National Cabinet met and agreed to deliver on a range of priorities for Australians, with a focus on more secure and affordable housing. This also included the Better Deal for Renters to ‘harmonise and strengthen renters’ rights across Australia’.

This report assesses the progress of the Better Deal for Renters by each State and Territory.

In the past 12 months States and Territories have been responding to the National Cabinet Better Deal for Renters with a range of rental reforms. This has included proposing and adopting legislation, as well as undertaking consultation for further reforms. While States and Territories have been consulting within their jurisdictions on rental reforms, the overall process of engagement nationally on the Better Deal for Renters has not been open and transparent.

The process is driven through the Housing and Homelessness Ministerial Council Meetings and senior officials, and has not engaged directly with peak bodies, advocates, and the sector more broadly. There has not been publicly availably timeframes about how and when States and Territories will report their progress on the Better Deal for Renters.

This report provides an assessment from experts in the application of residential law. Collectively NARO resources, co- ordinates or directly provides advice regarding more than 80, 000 tenancy issues each year. Further detail on the assessment process is on Page 3 of this report.

Read the report here