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For DFV Workers


Tenancy law toolkit for domestic and family violence service providers in Queensland


This integrated tenancy toolkit aims to build the capacity of domestic and family violence service providers, when assisting women affected by domestic violence to START, STAY or LEAVE their rental accommodation.

Advice line for service providers

Tenants Queensland provides domestic and family service providers and workers supporting women with DFV related tenancy issues in Queensland with advice.

Phone (07) 3708 4833 Or email DFVProject@tenantsqld.org.au 

Structure of the toolkit

This toolkit provides tenancy law information and procedure in relation to STARTING, STAYING AND LEAVING a tenancy. Each of these three tenancy options is explored in detail including the relevant procedural steps a domestic and family violence professional may be required to follow when working through a tenancy issue.

This toolkit is provided in the following sections including DFV Videos

Funding acknowledgement

Tenants Queensland acknowledges the funding received from the Department of Justice and Attorney General and the Department of Social Services – ‘Keeping Women Safe in their Homes Initiative’.