× Overview of the 2024 Tenancy Law Changes – What you need to know

Happy International Tenants Day celebrations and QSTARS second birthday Oct 2!

Calling all tenants and their friends to International Tenants’ Day celebrations in Mount Isa, Rockhampton, Cairns, Gold Coast (Labrador), Brisbane (West End)! NB Mount Isa event is on Oct 9

October 1 was also the second birthday of the Queensland Statewide Tenant Advice and Referral Service (QSTARS).

Since 1986, International Tenants Day (ITD) has been celebrated annually in the first week of October. Originating in France, the date was chosen to coincide with the United Nations World Habitat Day. ITD is used to promote and raise awareness of tenants’ right across the world.  Tenants Queensland is committed to improving the conditions for renters in our state and to make renting a secure and respected tenure.

We warmly welcome you to our free ITD events on Tuesday October 2, 2018 to help us celebrate!!  If you are a renter in Queensland you might also like to enter our photo competition

BrisbaneCairnsGold CoastMt IsaRockhampton
Time: 10-2pm
Bunyapa Park/
West End Urban Common
39 Thomas Street , West End

entertainment, tenancy information 
Ph: 3832 9447
Time: 2-4pm
208 McLeod St, Cairns (TQ Cairns office).

FREE BBQ, tenancy information and fun!
Ph: 4241 0016
Time: 11–2pm
Harley Park, Labrador

entertainment, tenancy information
Ph: 5525 6599
Time: 9 -11am
Mount Isa Neighbourhood Centre, 72 Marian St, Mt Isa

FREE tenants breakfast and sausage sizzle, tenancy information
Ph: 4749 3081
Time: 11-1pm
The office of
Mr Barry O’Rourke Member for Rockhampton.
3/7 Denham Street Rockhampton

FREE tenants breakfast and sausage sizzle, tenancy information
Ph: 4816 9814 

Renting in Qld – win $100 in our THIS PLACE, MY HOME photo comp!!










To be eligible for this competition you need to be renting in Queensland. Please send us your photo, name and contact details and where you are renting. By sending your photo to Tenants Queensland, you are consenting to the photo being used publicly by Tenants Queensland, including on the Tenants Queensland website and social media. By sending this photo you confirm that you have consent of any person in the photo for their image to be shared in this way.  Any enquiries please contact Cameron at Tenants Queensland – Phone: (07) 3832 9447 – Email: mail@tenantsqld.org.au


Announcing the winner of our photo comp

It’s time to announce the winner of our “Home to me is” photo competition, which Tenants Queensland launched as part of our International Tenant’s Day celebrations in October.

We’d like to thank all entrants for sharing their beautiful images and loving messages of what makes home to you. The reoccurring theme was that home is a special place, to be shared with family, friends, loved ones (in one case a car) and our pets!

After much deliberation, we’re happy to announce the winner is Sarita Silva. This inspiring photo of feeding the cockatoos and galahs on the back deck won over the judges. It’s sense of serenity highlighted the importance of home being a place where people are secure enough to express themselves and do what makes them happy.

Congratulations Sarita, and thanks once again to all who took the time to send in their snaps. Picking a winner amongst the great photos was no easy task!

Support Changes to the Manufactured Homes (Residential Parks) Act

In August the Hon Michael de Brenni MP, introduced the Housing Legislation (Building Better Futures) Amendment Bill 2017 into the Queensland Parliament.   The bill includes detailed amendments to the Manufactured Homes (Residential Parks) Act 2003 to increase transparency in the relationships between park owners, staff and home owners and to strengthen consumer protections and provide more security to home owners.

Key changes include:

  • improved pre-contractual disclosure processes
  • limiting rent increases under the site agreement to one per year, and increase the transparency of market rent review calculations;
  • providing a process for in-park dispute resolution before matters are escalated to the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT).
  • prohibiting administrative fees for provision of utilities, including meter reading; and
  • prescribing clear, enforceable behaviour and management standards for park owners and home owners; and
  • ensuring emergency services and health workers have access to residential parks and emergency management plans are in place.

Tenants Queensland supports the changes being proposed and wants to see the changes become law.  Before the bill can be passed by parliament it must be considered by the Public Works and Utilities Committee.  This parliamentary committee is currently taking submissions from the public until 28 August.  They will report on their findings by 28 September.

TQ encourages you to make a submission to the parliamentary committee to help support the changes and ensure they become law.  Just a few short comments about how you think the changes will impact on residents will help.

You can find out more about the proposed changes and how to make a submission here: https://www.parliament.qld.gov.au/work-of-committees/committees/TUC/inquiries/current-inquiries/I48HsngBetterFutures

In addition to supporting the proposed changes TQ will be advocating for additional protections for residents of manufactured home parks, in particular introducing a licensing system and standards for operators of park sites.




The condition of rental properties in Queensland can often be very poor – especially those that are ‘affordable’  .  Although the law says properties must be “in good repair” and “fit to live in” it is not always clear what that means.  There are many reasons why tenants might be reluctant to ask an agent for repairs – especially if they have a short lease or are worried about being unfairly evicted.   Often a tenant will not pursue repairs because they don’t want to ‘rock the boat’, resulting in problems being inherited by consecutive tenants.

The state government is proposing to make changes to the Residential Tenancy and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 (RTRAA) so that, in the future, rental properties will have to meet defined minimum standards before being listed for rent.  Minimum standards will make it easier for tenants and lessors to know what is expected.

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TQ welcomes today’s introduction of the Housing Legislation (Building Better Futures) Bill 2017 into the Queensland parliament by Housing Minister, the Hon Mick de Brenni. The Bill will amend the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 to allow for the introduction of minimum housing standards in rental properties. The standards will be set out in Regulation and developed through a process of consultation.

The poor quality of some properties is an on-going issue for Queensland renters. The changes will help protect the most vulnerable, often pushed into the margins of the market and reluctant to seek repairs for fear of losing their tenure, from living in substandard and unsafe housing.
The Bill’s introduction is a big step forward but there is still a lot of work to be done. TQ looks forward to participating in the consultation to develop the standards. TQ will also lobby for additional reforms, in particular to address the lack of tenure security.


Queensland Premier announces 10 Year Housing Strategy

On Monday the Premier, the Hon Anastasia Palaszczuk announced the government’s 10 year Housing Strategy providing an investment of $1.8B over that time.

The Strategy’s three year Action Plan states that ‘people living in the private rental market will have better consumer protection and housing stability through legislative and policy reforms’. This mean a legislative review of Queensland tenancy laws will take place soon. It is likely to focus on security of tenure and standards in rental properties. We’ll keep you updated as we learn more. Rest assured, we’ll be enthusiastically supporting the Strategy’s aim of developing a more contemporary legislative framework!

Changes to the Manufactured Homes legislation and Retirement Villages, work commenced some years ago are likely to be finalised in the near future.

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We launched the first ever Rental Vulnerability Index!

Check out the rental vulnerability where you live!  

Today Housing Minister Mick de Brenni helped Tenants Queensland launch the first ever Rental Vulnerability Index (RVI), a tool which allows you to see how many vulnerable renters there are in any postcode area in Queensland.

The RVI is more than just a measure of affordability; it is a look into who lives in the local rental housing and what sort of other vulnerabilities they might experience. It combines 13 data sources, each of which individually expose a potential to experience a housing problem, into one measure of overall rental vulnerability.

Using the interactive map, you can identify not just the RVI for each Queensland postcode area, you can also see the statistics on each of those 13 indicators.

This RVI has been developed as primarily as a service planning tool for tenant advisory services – to ensure that need for services align with demand and if not to reach out to the most vulnerable tenants. However, it will have applicability for a much broader range of service providers, policy maker and planners.

Check out your postcode!

Australian Renters Yell For Change!

Last Thursday CHOICE, the National Association of Tenants’ Organisations (NATO) and National Shelter called for governments to prioritise rental security and quality issues, not just housing affordability. This followed the release of Unsettled, Life in Australia’s Private  Rental Market, the results of a national survey by the same groups, in which widespread fear and discrimination was reported by thousands of Australians.

Key findings from Unsettled were:

  • 83% of renters in Australia have no fixed-term lease or are on a lease less than 12 months long
  • 62% of people say they feel like they can’t ask for changes
  • 50% of renters report experiencing discrimination when applying for a rental property
  • 50% of renters worried about being listed on a residential tenancy database
  • 20% renters experiencing leaking, flooding and issues with mould
  • 8% of renters are living in a property in need of urgent repairs

For those who rent, this was no surprise but media across the country picked up the story with coverage on

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